Oral surgery in Westlake Village, CA

Serving Every Oral Surgery Need

At Greater Ventura Oral & Facial Surgery Dental Implant Experts, we don’t just provide quality oral surgery procedures. We provide empathetic and compassionate care while creating beautiful smiles that will last a lifetime. From dental implants to wisdom teeth removal, full-arch restoration and beyond, we are dedicated to providing you with the best care possible. We invite you to schedule a consultation with our office to begin the journey to optimal oral health.

Oral Surgery Procedures in Westlake Village, CA

Our practice offers a comprehensive suite of oral surgery services, tailored to your unique oral health needs.

Dental Implants

Dental implants offer a reliable solution for replacing anything from a single tooth to an entire set of teeth. Whether you need to restore one tooth or transform your entire smile, dental implants offer transformative advantages over other tooth replacement options. At Greater Ventura Oral & Facial Surgery Dental Implant Experts, we tailor a treatment plan to your unique needs, ensuring you feel confident in your smile again. Our dedicated and experienced team will be with you every step of the way, offering support and care throughout the entire process.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, typically emerge between the ages of 17 and 25, often leading to oral health issues like impaction, infection, pain, and shifting teeth. To avoid these problems, many choose to have their wisdom teeth removed. This procedure is most commonly performed on patients in their early to mid-teens, when the teeth are smaller and less developed, but it can also be done after the teeth have fully emerged.

Why Choose an Oral Surgeon

Placing your oral health in the hands of someone else can be an anxiety-inducing experience. For oral surgery, it is best to place it in the hands of an oral surgeon, the best candidate to handle any and all of your concerns. By choosing an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, you choose professionals who undergo extensive training, education, and hands-on experience to treat various conditions for every patient they see. At Greater Ventura Oral & Facial Surgery Dental Implant Experts, Hooman Zarrinkelk, DDS; Hessam Siavash, DDS, MD, PhD; and Kevin Coppelson, DDS, MD provide exceptional outcomes while creating a warm and welcoming environment to put patients at ease.

Surrounding cities/neighborhoods

Our office is located in Westlake Village, CA. We are proud to offer our services to anyone in the surrounding communities:

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